Wawancara, Kita Mengikatnya dengan Kontrak Politik
Sabili, 19 Mei 2009
Memang performance SBY sedang bagus-bagusnya. Terbukti dari perolehan suara yang mencapai 300%. Sungguh capaian yang spektakuler. Kenaikan tiga kali lipat ini sampai membuat fungsionaris Partai Demokrat sendiri tercengang.
Lihat saja gaya kampanye SBY, hampir tiap Banner Demokrat selalu menghadirkan SBY bersama calegnya. Sang caleg PD baru merasa pede alias percaya diri kalau disandingkan dengan sosok gagah SBY. Sepertinya kampanye legislatif kemarin sudah menjadi ajang kampanye Pilpres. Jadi orang lain barus siap kuda-kuda, SBY sudah menyerang.
Dengan modal ini, SBY-Demokrat dengan percaya diri melenggang ke Pemilu berikutnya, Pilpres. Seorang pengamat politik dari UI dalam sebuah diskusi internal mengatakan, “SBY dipasangkan dengan botol pun akan menang,” katanya..
Karena itukah PKS bersanding koalisi dengan SBY?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini wartawan Abidah Wafaa dari Sabili mewawancarai Mahfudz Siddiq, Ketua Fraksi PKS.
Berikut petikannya:
Apa yang mendasari PKS berkoalisi dengan SBY – Berbudi?
Karena Platformnya, secara detil saya tidak hafal. Namun hal tersebut berdasarkan platform yang disampaikan tim 5 dari PKS dan tim 9 dari partai Demokrat. Di antara platform tersebut berisi tentang, koalisi pemerintahan, koalisi parlemen, agenda arah kebijakan nasional dan manajemen kebijakan nasional.
Secara global berkaitan dengan politik, sosial, budaya, hukum dan hubungan internasional. Berkaitan juga dengan pengentasan kemiskinan dan pengembangan ekonomi kerakyatan, memperluas ekonomi. Pemberdayaan ekonomi rakyat dan juga penguatan ekonomi ditengah pertarungan global.
Selain itu, berkaitan dengan ketahanan energi pangan, air dan ekonomi nasional agar tidak dicampuri intervensi asing yang dapat merugikan ekonomi rakyat.
Karena itu kita berkoalisi dengan SBY berhubungan juga akan tugas pengawalan dengan penjajahan yang dialami di seluruh belahan dunia yang dialami oleh umat muslim lainnya di dunia. Seperti yang terjadi di Pattani, Mindanao, Palestina dan lainnya.
Bagaimana Anda menaggapi Boediono seorang neoliberal yang notabene diusung oleh PKS?
Secara personal kita tidak mempersoalkan. Karena Boediono adalah orang yang baik. Untuk itu kita mengikatnya dengan kebijakan ekonomi dengan kontrak politik. Dengan demikian PKS berpartisipasi dan dapat mengkritisi arah kebijakan ekonomi tersebut.
Itupun kontrak politik yang kita ajukan oleh PKS ditandatangani setelah menit-menit terakhir Karena platform tersebut seharusnya berjalan dua arah.
Bagaimana PKS melakukan komunikasi arah kebijakan tersebut dengan para konstituennya, mengingat dari beberapa kalangan umat memiliki resistensi terhadap Boediono?
PKS sesuai dengan kebijakan majelis Syuro, dengan demikian PKS selalu melakukan partisipasi aktif. Bukan hanya di parlemen, namun di pemerintahan.
Alhamdulillah secara prinsip dapat menerima hal tersebut. Karena PKS adalah partai dakwah tsiqoh pada qiyadah supaya prinsip Islam dan dakwah dapat berjalan secara beriringan. Majelis Syuro bukan hasil keputusan perorangan sehingga trasformasi sesungguhnya bersifat umum ke khusus.
News Focus: PKS` decision nothing to do with ministerial post being eyed
by Eliswan Azly
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Secretary General of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Anis Matta said his party`s decision to continue its coalition with the Democratic Party (PD) had nothing to do with the ration of ministerial post or power sharing in the future government system.
"It was actually made on the basis of a political consideration to jointly build this nation. It`s wrong if PKS is reported to be wishy-washy," he said in Makassar on Monday.
According to him, what PKS wanted to show was that as a participant of the coalition, all parties had an equal position and stance as partner.
In this case, PKS had actually made a strong interruption to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono following the issue on Budiono whose appointment was never discussed with the coalition partners. But that matter was something natural.
"It is like a friend whereas PKS and PD should mutually advise each other. This is a big interruption from a big family to measure how big our value is," he said.
He further said that it was PKS which had already determined its stance as it could get angry and agree with its friend. It was needed if a person started to have a strong domination.
PKS again expressed support to the SBY-Budiono ticket after SBY asked for an apology following the lack of communication in appointing a vice presidential candidate who would be Yudhoyono`s running mate in the upcoming presidential race.
In addition, PKS` coalition with the Democratic Party to support the SBY-Boediono pair was inseparable from some agreement reached over platform of economic policies.
The first agreement had to do with the eradication of poverty and unemployment through economic equality. Either it is the form of similar and easy access, information and business opportunities and the empowerment of the people`s economy.
The second agreement in this case upheld the national economic sovereignty. One of them was by revising macro economic policies into self-reliant ones and equality as well as people`s economic equality.
The third had to do with defence and economic self reliance in the sectors of food, energy and water through revitalization, efficiency, intensification and diversification.
Earlier, Anis Matta said his party would pursue another alternative coalition if the talks with Yudhoyono`s camp to overcome the problem ended in failure.
However Boediono`s candidacy had created a havoc within PD`s block of coalition
parties, which included PKS.
"What we deplore much is not the appointment of Boediono as running mate, but it is more focused on the lack of communication that has been built," he said.
According to him, all along Yudhoyono had heralded his partnership with the political parties that supported him. But as time went by, Yudhoyoho eventually abandoned his commitment by making a strategic decision on his own.
The PKS would decide what further steps it would take independently and without the influence of other political parties, he said.
"But if the problem remains unsolved beyond the limits of our tolerance, PKS will immediately pursue an alternative coalescing course which we have already prepared," Anis Matta said.
Asked what the alternative course was, Another PKS faction chairman Mahfudz Siddiq said it would be revealed in the next few days.
According to Siddiq, PKS had made intensive political communication with other parties such as with the Megawati Soekarnoputri-Parabowo camp as well as the Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto camp.
PKS might form a new bloc with other political parties or switch its support to the Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto pair.
"We respect from Jusuf Kalla because he is consistent in running for the presidency
although based on surveys he is an `underdog," Siddiq said.
If the talks with SBY ended in failure, an alternative coalition might emerge following the disappointment of the political parties that have aligned themselves with the Democratic Party (PD), Mahfudz said.
Two of the parties in the coalition, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the United Development Party (PPP), have expressed their disappointment.
The main reason for their disappointment is the lack of communication from the PD in determining Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s running mate in the July presidential election.
"The PD never talked to us and all of a sudden, Boediono emerges as the vice-presidential candidate for SBY," he said last week.
In response to PKS stance to remain its coalition with SBY, Dr Sofyan Siregar, a political analyst currently a roving lecturer of the Islamic University of North Sumatra said that in politics, there was no permanent friend and enemy. What was permanent was only the interest.
If PKS considered maintaining its coalition with SBY was more advantageous than disrupting the coalition, it was actually a political stance, he said adding that whatever the reason, the public would see it as political stance of that Islamic-based party.
However, the attitude of the Democratic Party in building coalition with its coalition partner still lacked behind the Golkar?s way in convincing its coalition partner.
The Democratic Party should actually learn from Golkar which immediately put the coalition in the form of a document, the procedure of which really convinced its coalition partners.
"But on the other way round, the coalition with the Democratic Party is only in the form of discourse. There is no a guaranty that the coalition can be maintained," Sofyan said.
"It is because of this condition, it seems that the appointment of Budiono without discussing it first with coalition parties is deemed as an act of dishonor by the coalition parties. Practically, what has happened is just a lack of communication," Sofyan said.
On one side, the Democratic Party thought it is the right of SBY to appoint his running mate for the presidential race later, as his party has tallied over 20 percent amid a vacuum of coalition agreement.
On the other hand, coalition parties saw that SBY took no notice of the procedure in building a coalition with other parties, as whatever had been decided should be discussed with coalition partners if transparency is expected to be upheld, Sofyan said.(*)
PKS tepis isu tambah jatah menteri
Waspada, Monday, 18 May 2009 18:20 WIB
JAKARTA - Meski sebelumnya presiden PKS Tifatul Sembiring sudah mengakui bahwa pihaknya dapat kursi menteri banyak, bergabungnya PKS dalam koalisi Partai Demokrat yang mengusung SBY-Boediono, bukan karena bertambahnya jatah kursi menteri. Tapi soal platform kebijakan di bidang ekonomi.
"Platform kebijakan bidang ekonomi yang disepakati ada 3 hal pokok," kata Ketua DPP PKS Mahfudz Siddiq, hari ini.
Kesepakatan tersebut pertama, ujar Mahfudz, mengenai pengentasan kemiskinan dan pengangguran dengan pemerataan ekonomi. Baik itu kesamaan dan kemudahan akses, informasi dan peluang usaha, serta pemberdayaan kemampuan usaha ekonomi rakyat.
Yang kedua, lanjut Ketua FPKS ini, kesepakatan juga didapat dalam hal menegakkan kedaulatan ekonomi nasional. Salah satunya adalah dengan mereformasi kebijakan makro ekonomi yang mengarah kepada kemandirian dan kesetaraan serta kedaulatan ekonomi rakyat.
"Ketiga, ketahanan dan kemandirian ekonomi di sektor pangan, energi dan air melalui revitalisasi, efesiensi, intensifikasi dan diversifikasi," tandas Mahfudz
1 comment:
ass ust mahfud yg sy cintai
saya sangat mencintai pks tapi kali ini ijinkan saya untuk berbeda dengan antum .hati kecil saya mengatakan JK Win ,karena dalam pikiran saya dalam lima tahun ini saya pun terkena dampak dari kebijakan pemerintah Sby.saya ingin indonesia mempunyai pemim[in yang mau bekerja keras mensejahterakan rakyatnya .Afwan
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